пятница, 4 марта 2016 г.

Depression is Not a Sign of Weakness

Depression is a severe disease, not only an affected person suffers from it but his close ones too. Stressful events usually lead to depressive episodes. Sometimes it is difficult to define depression because of low mood or some peculiarities of the character. In order to avoid severe complications, it is recommended to find out how and why depression appears. Every person may provoke depression. Values of modern society have a great impact on people. Everyone wants to be happy. If a person fails every time, he will reckon that he is hopeless and helpless, thus depression happens. Psychological traumas such as the death of a close one, divorce, breakup, severe illness may lead to depression. In rare cases, depression happens without any reason. Learn more about Causes of Depression: Is it Possible to Avoid? Scientists believe that peculiarities of biochemical processes play a major role, for example, exchange of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, etc).

Psychological symptoms can help recognize depression. A depressed person usually feels anxiety and has low self-esteem. Constant fatigue and sadness go along with this serious illness. People are not interested in anything anymore. Behavioral changes may be observed. Depression may be recognized if there are problems with concentration. The depressed person tries to isolate himself from others. Alcohol and drug addiction is a result of prolonged and untreated depression. People with this mental disorder think differently. Depression provokes only negative thoughts. People with depression feel hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness. Depression has physiological symptoms. Sleeping disorders are common among those who have depressive episodes. Eating problems are another sign of the mental disease. The person suffering from depression may complain of pains in different parts of the body, constipation, diarrhea.

Very often the affected person has problems with sex. Unfortunately, alcoholism and drug abuse are very often caused by depression. Alcohol and drugs produce a false feeling of well-being. Severe depression may lead to unpleasant consequences – the depressed person may commit suicide. It is important to mention that this medical disease is curable and it should be cured. The depressed people rarely seek professional help on their own, so relatives should help and convince to seek professional help. If a person is diagnosed with depression, it is necessary to help, cheer him up, even if he is not interested in it. The affected person may blame himself and relatives should not allow him to do that. You will defeat this serious condition all together.

Untreated depression may last for months or even years. Psychotherapy and medication are the most effective methods to get rid of this mental disorder, especially if they are used in combination. Meds for this disease (antidepressants) are selected for each patient and are taken for several months. Psychotherapy helps depressed people change attitude towards life. This method of treatment involves the active participation of the patient, his willingness to discuss his problems. Techniques of self-help are a true way of preventing depression. Each person should maintain healthy lifestyle, do physical exercises regularly, have a rest after work, then depression won’t be so frightening!